Wednesday, 28 June 2017

ORA-14300: partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions

Problem :- Due to this error you are unable to inset data into a particular table which has partitions.

Cause :- It happened because the data you are trying to insert is  not in range of the partition has been created or NULL value is updated on the column which has partition.

i.e. To have partition on creation_date You must always put Date in the column which is in range and should not insert NULL.

Solution :- To solve the problem, make sure that the partitioning key column data to be inserted does not have any NULL value.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Cancel Concurrent Programs Requests from Backend

Use the below block to kill the session for Concurrent program request which will cancel the concurrent program.

   l_sid      NUMBER;
   l_serial   NUMBER;
   l_req_id   NUMBER := &request_id;
   SELECT sid, serial#
     INTO l_sid, l_serial
     FROM v$session
    WHERE paddr LIKE
             (SELECT addr
                FROM v$process
               WHERE spid = (SELECT oracle_process_id
                               FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
                              WHERE request_id = l_req_id));

      || ''''
      || l_sid
      || ','
      || l_serial
      || '''');

      || ''''
      || l_sid
      || ','
      || l_serial
      || '''';
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Session not found ' || SQLERRM);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' When others error ' || SQLERRM);

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Oracle Apps DBA- Hints

Ø  How to change all Applications user passwords?
In apps, there are times when we want to force all the application users to change their passwords. 

In apps 11i, we have a concurrent request under System Administrator->

CP SQL*Plus Expire FND_USER Passwords

This concurrent request basically sets the fnd_user.password_date to null for all apps users. The users are thus prompted to change their passwords on next login.

Ø  How to verify the operation of the oracle reports server for ebusiness Suites 11i?

In Oracle Applications 11i, the simplest method to check if the Oracle Reports server is functional is that we need to  "temporarily" enable the Oracle Reports Server diagnostic mode and bring up the "Environment" and "RWCGI Key Map" page via a web browser. 

o   Enable the Oracle Reports Server diagnostic mode.

We need to comment out any reference to the REPORTS60_CGINODIAG and REPORTS60_OWSNODIAG parameters from the following files:


Bounce the Oracle Reports server and the Apache (Web) server. 

o   Environment Check.


o   "RWCGI Key Map" Check.

Lets take an example:
Please note : The host and port is the same used for Apps login, the Web / Apache node.

If the Oracle Reports server installed with Oracle Applications 11i ,it will display the "Environment" and "RWCGI Key Map" page via a web browser, please check with the application product group who owns the troubled report for any required setup at the application level.

If the Oracle Reports server installed with Oracle Applications 11i fails to display the "Environment" and "RWCGI Key Map" page via a web browser, please open a service request with the oracle support and  upload a screen print of the error being encountered, and the following data:

1. Upload as a zip file with the following files.

a.  The Apps 8.0.6 $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file.
b.  $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/apps.conf file
c.   $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
d.  $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/REP60_.ora
e.  $FND_TOP/resource/appsweb.cfg
f.   $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/
(The exact file used to start the report server.)

2. Upload the report server's log files.

a.  The Apps report server startup log file. The variable REPSRV_LOG within the points to the log file.

b.  The Oracle Reports server log file.

3. Is the report server currently running; Check the output of ps -ef | grep rwmt ?

Ø Applications Framework Processing in R12.

The following are the steps to explain, how the JSP obtains the content from the Applications tables and uses information from the metadata dictionary to construct the HTML page.

1.     AOL/J validates user access to the page. 

2.     The page definition (metadata UI definition) is loaded from the metadata repository on       the database tier into the application tier.  

3.     The BC4J objects that contain the application logic and access the database are instantiated. 

4.     The Java Controller programmatically manipulates the page definition as necessary, based on dynamic UI rules. 

UIX (HTML UI Generator) interprets the page definition, creates the corresponding HTML in                           accordance with UI standards, and sends the page to the browser.