Friday, 21 December 2018

Query to check Responsibilities Assigned to an Apps User

SELECT fu.user_name,
  FROM fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg,
       fnd_user fu,
       fnd_responsibility_tl fr
 WHERE     fu.user_name = UPPER ('&user_name')
       AND furg.user_id = fu.user_id
       AND furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
       AND fr.language = USERENV ('LANG');

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Execution History of an SQL ID

-- This script allows you to view the execution history of a SQL ID. Use it to investigate things like:
-- 1. Changing plan hash values.
-- 2. High elapsed time per execution.
-- 3. High % of cluster waits.
-- 4. Whether a SQL profile is being used.

SELECT   snap_id "Snap"
       , sql_id "SQL ID"
       , plan_hash_value "Plan"
       , end_interval_time "End Time"
       , executions "Execs"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN elapsed_time / executions ELSE elapsed_time END, 4) "ElapPexec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN rows_processed / executions ELSE rows_processed END, 2) "RowPexec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN buffer_gets / executions ELSE buffer_gets END, 0) "GetPexec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN disk_reads / executions ELSE disk_reads END, 2) "ReadPexec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN gc_time / executions ELSE gc_time END, 4)  "GCpExec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN elapsed_time > 0 THEN 100 * (gc_time / elapsed_time) ELSE 0 END, 2)  "GC %"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN cpu_time / executions ELSE cpu_time END, 4)  "CPUpExec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN ccwait / executions ELSE ccwait END, 4)  "ConcPexec"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN elapsed_time > 0 THEN 100 * (cpu_time / elapsed_time) ELSE 0 END, 2)  "CPU %"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN elapsed_time > 0 THEN 100 * (ccwait / elapsed_time) ELSE 0 END, 2)  "Conc %"
       , ROUND(elapsed_time, 1) "Elapsed"
       , parsing_schema_name "Schema"
       , sql_profile "SQL profile"
       , min_inst_id "LowInst"
       , max_inst_id "HghInst"
       , ROUND(cpu_time, 1) "CPU"
       , buffer_gets "Gets"
       , disk_reads  "Reads"
       , ROUND(gc_time, 1) "Cluster"
       , rows_processed "Rows"
       , ROUND(ccwait, 1) "Concurrency"
       , ROUND(CASE WHEN executions > 0 THEN plsql_time / executions ELSE plsql_time END, 4) "PLSpExec"
       , ROUND(CASE
                  WHEN executions > 0
AND                    rows_processed > 0
                     elapsed_time / executions / rows_processed / 1000000
                  WHEN executions = 0
AND                    rows_processed > 0
                     elapsed_time / rows_processed / 1000000
             , 4)
       , sql_text "SQL Text"
FROM     (SELECT   s.snap_id
                 , sq.sql_id
                 , sq.plan_hash_value
                 , sq.parsing_schema_name
                 , TRUNC(s.end_interval_time, 'MI') end_interval_time
                 , SUM(sq.executions_delta) executions
                 , SUM(sq.disk_reads_delta) disk_reads
                 , SUM(sq.buffer_gets_delta) buffer_gets
                 , SUM(sq.rows_processed_delta) rows_processed
                 , SUM(sq.cpu_time_delta) / 1000000 cpu_time
                 , SUM(sq.plsexec_time_delta) / 1000000 plsql_time
                 , SUM(sq.clwait_delta) / 1000000 gc_time
                 , SUM(sq.ccwait_delta) / 1000000 ccwait
                 , SUM(elapsed_time_delta) / 1000000 elapsed_time
                 , sq.force_matching_signature
                 , MIN(sq.instance_number) min_inst_id
                 , MAX(sq.instance_number) max_inst_id
                 , sq.sql_profile
                 , DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(sl.sql_text, 200, 1) sql_text
          FROM     dba_hist_sqlstat sq, dba_hist_snapshot s, dba_hist_sqltext sl
          WHERE    1 = 1
          AND      sq.sql_id = :sqlid
          --and   sq.plan_hash_value=3983895616
          AND      s.snap_id = sq.snap_id
          --and   s.snap_id between 37279 and 37305
          AND      TRUNC(s.end_interval_time, 'MI') > SYSDATE - 90
          --and   sq.parsing_schema_name in ('APPS_FR')
          AND      s.dbid = sq.dbid
          AND      sq.dbid = sl.dbid
          AND      s.instance_number = sq.instance_number
          AND      sq.sql_id = sl.sql_id
          AND      sq.elapsed_time_delta > 0
          GROUP BY s.snap_id
                 , sq.sql_id
                 , sq.plan_hash_value
                 , sq.force_matching_signature
                 , sq.parsing_schema_name
                 , TRUNC(s.end_interval_time, 'MI')
                 , sq.sql_profile
                 , DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(sl.sql_text, 200, 1))

-- Once you have the SQL, use the following SQL to extract all the execution plans:

SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.display_awr(sql_id => :sqlid , format => 'ADVANCED -ALIAS -OUTLINE'))

Monday, 1 October 2018

Oracle Apps: Find Fields in DFFs

1. Query to Find All the fields in a particular DFF:-

SELECT ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name DFFName,
                 ffv.application_table_name TableName,
                 ffv.title Title,
                 ap.application_name Application,
                 att.column_seq_num SegmentNumber,
                 att.form_left_prompt SegmentName,
                 fvs.flex_value_set_name ValueSet,
            FROM apps.fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl ffv,
                 apps.fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl ffc,
                 apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl att,
                 apps.fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
                 apps.fnd_application_vl ap
           WHERE     ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name =
                 AND ap.application_id = ffv.application_id
                 AND ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name =
                 AND ffv.application_id = ffc.application_id
                 AND ffc.descriptive_flex_context_code =
                 AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = att.flex_value_set_id
                 AND ffv.title IN ('Invoice Line Information')
        ORDER BY ffv.title;

2. Query to Find Only Required fields in a particular DFF :-

  FROM (  SELECT ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name DFFName,
                 ffv.application_table_name TableName,
                 ffv.title Title,
                 ap.application_name Application,
                 att.column_seq_num SegmentNumber,
                 att.form_left_prompt SegmentName,
                 fvs.flex_value_set_name ValueSet,
            FROM apps.fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl ffv,
                 apps.fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl ffc,
                 apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl att,
                 apps.fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
                 apps.fnd_application_vl ap
           WHERE     ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name =
                 AND ap.application_id = ffv.application_id
                 AND ffv.descriptive_flexfield_name =
                 AND ffv.application_id = ffc.application_id
                 AND ffc.descriptive_flex_context_code =
                 AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = att.flex_value_set_id
                 AND ffv.title IN ('Invoice Line Information')
        ORDER BY ffv.title)
 WHERE required_flag = 'Y';

Saturday, 28 July 2018

How the start with CONNECT BY clause in Oracle works

This page explains the hierarchical query using the (start with) connect by clause in an Oracle SQL Query.

If a table contains hierarchical data, then you can select rows in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause (START WITH condition1) CONNECT BY condition2 

The START WITH clause is optional and specifies the rows athat are the root(s) of the hierarchical query. If you omit this clause, then Oracle uses all rows in the table as root rows. The START WITH condition can contain a subquery, but it cannot contain a scalar subquery expression. 

The CONNECT BY clause specifies the relationship between parent rows and child rows of the hierarchy. The connect_by_condition can be any condition, however, it must use the PRIOR operator to refer to the parent row. Restriction on the CONNECT BY clause: The connect_by_condition cannot contain a regular subquery or a scalar subquery expression. 

The PRIOR operator to refer to the parent row can be used as following: 

Sample query on the employees table:
SELECT employee_id, last_name, manager_id, LEVEL
   FROM employees
   CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;
shows employee_id, last_name, manager_id and level in the tree for the employee hierarchy. 

In Oracle 9i a new feature for hierarchical queries is added: sys_connect_by_path It returns the path of a column value from root to node, with column values separated by char for each row returned by CONNECT BY condition. Both column and char can be any of the datatypes CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2. The string returned is of VARCHAR2 datatype and is in the same character set as column. 
The following example returns the path of employee names from employee Kochhar to all employees of Kochhar (and their employees): 
SELECT LPAD(' ', 2*level-1)|| SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(last_name, '/') "Path"
   FROM employees
   CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;
In Oracle 10 3 new features for hierarchical queries are added:


CONNECT_BY_ROOT is a unary operator that is valid only in hierarchical queries. When you qualify a column with this operator, Oracle returns the column value using data from the root row. This operator extends the functionality of the CONNECT BY [PRIOR] condition of hierarchical queries. Restriction on CONNECT_BY_ROOT: You cannot specify this operator in the START WITH condition or the CONNECT BY condition. Example query:
SELECT last_name "Employee", CONNECT_BY_ROOT last_name "Manager",
   LEVEL-1 "Pathlen", SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(last_name, '/') "Path"
   FROM employees
   WHERE LEVEL > 1 and department_id = 110
   CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;


The CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF pseudocolumn returns 1 if the current row is a leaf of the tree defined by the CONNECT BY condition. Otherwise it returns 0. This information indicates whether a given row can be further expanded to show more of the hierarchy. Example
SELECT employee_id, last_name, manager_id, connect_by_isleaf "IsLeaf"
   FROM employees
   START WITH last_name = 'King'
   CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;


The CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudocolumn returns 1 if the current row has a child which is also its ancestor. Otherwise it returns 0. 
You can specify CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE only if you have specified the NOCYCLE parameter of the CONNECT BY clause. NOCYCLE enables Oracle to return the results of a query that would otherwise fail because of a CONNECT BY loop in the data.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Oracle String Functions

Returns the number code that represents the specified character
Converts a string in any character set to an ASCII string using the database character set
Returns the character based on the number code
Returns a Unicode string
Allows you to concatenate two strings together
Concat with ||
Allows you to concatenate two or more strings together
Converts a string from one character set to another
Accepts a string and returns a Unicode string
Returns a varchar2 value that includes the datatype code, the length in bytes, and the internal representation of the expression
Sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase
Returns the location of a substring in a string
Returns the location of a substring in a string, using UCS2 code points
Returns the location of a substring in a string, using UCS4 code points
Returns the location of a substring in a string, using bytes instead of characters
Returns the location of a substring in a string, using Unicode complete characters
Returns the length of the specified string
Returns the length of the specified string, using UCS2 code points
Returns the length of the specified string, using UCS4 code points
Returns the length of the specified string, using bytes instead of characters
Returns the length of the specified string, using Unicode complete of characters
Converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase
Pads the left-side of a string with a specific set of characters
Removes all specified characters from the left-hand side of a string
Returns the character based on the number code in the national character set
Returns the location of a regular expression pattern in a string
Allows you to replace a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters using regular expression pattern matching
Allows you to extract a substring from a string using regular expression pattern matching
Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters
Pads the right-side of a string with a specific set of characters
Removes all specified characters from the right-hand side of a string
Returns a phonetic representation (the way it sounds) of a string
Allows you to extract a substring from a string
Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters
Removes all specified characters either from the beginning or the end of a string
Converts all letters in the specified string to uppercase
Returns the number of bytes in the internal representation of an expression

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Sequence of triggers firing in oracle forms

Trigger Firing sequence:
Order as follows
First Logon Triggers are fired1.PRE-LOGON
After that Pre Triggers4. PRE-FORM
After that WHEN-NEW Triggers
After that ITEM Level TriggersAfter this focus is on the first item of the Block. If you type some data and press the tab key following trigger will fire in sequence
10.KEY-NEXT-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).
11.POST-CHANGE (This trigger is present on the item level).
12.WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).
13.POST-TEXT-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).
14.WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE (Block Level Trigger).
Now focus will go the next item present on the form.
If there are no further items present on the screen them if we enter data and press tab key then only KEY-NEXT-ITEM is fired. Now suppose we close the form then the item level triggers are fired.

Friday, 6 July 2018

What is a Sub Query? Describe its Types?

A sub query is a SELECT statement that is embedded in a clause of another SELECT statement. Sub query can be placed in WHERE, HAVING and FROM clause.
Guidelines for using sub queries:
  1. Enclose sub queries within parenthesis
  2. Place sub queries on the right side of the comparison condition.
  3. Use Single-row operators with single-row sub queries and Multiple-row operators with multiple-row sub queries.
Types of sub queries:
  1. Single-Row Sub query: Queries that return only one row from the Inner select statement. Single-row comparison operators are: =, >, >=, <, <=, <>

  2. Multiple-Row Sub query: Queries that return more than one row from the inner Select statement. There are also multiple-column sub queries that return more than one column from the inner select statement. Operators includes: IN, ANY, ALL.

Thursday, 5 July 2018


PL Sql vs Sql

Single command at a time
Block of code
Source of data to be displayed
Application created by data aquired by SQL
Structures include
DDL and DML based queries and commands
Includes procedures, functions, etc
Recommended while
Performing CRUD operations on data
Creating applications to display data obtained using sql
Compatibility with each other
SQL can be embedded into PL/SQL
PL/SQL cant be embedded in SQL

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Materialized Views in Oracle

A materialized view in Oracle is a database object that contains the results of a query. They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to create summary tables based on aggregations of a table's data. Materialized views, which store data based on remote tables are also, know as snapshots.

A materialized view can query tables, views, and other materialized views. Collectively these are called master tables (a replication term) or detail tables (a data warehouse term).
For replication purposes, materialized views allow you to maintain copies of remote data on your local node. These copies are read-only. If you want to update the local copies, you have to use the Advanced Replication feature. You can select data from a materialized view as you would from a table or view.

For data warehousing purposes, the materialized views commonly created are aggregate views, single-table aggregate views, and join views.
In this article, we shall see how to create a Materialized View in Oracle and discuss Refresh Option of the view.

In replication environments, the materialized views commonly created are primary key, rowid, and subquery materialized views.
Primary Key Materialized Views
The following statement creates the primary-key materialized view on the table emp located on a remote database.

 AS SELECT * FROM emp@remote_db;

Materialized view created.

Note: When you create a materialized view using the FAST option you will need to create a view log on the master tables(s) as shown below:

Materialized view log created.
Rowid Materialized Views
The following statement creates the rowid materialized view on table emp located on a remote database:
    AS SELECT * FROM emp@remote_db; 

Materialized view log created.
Subquery Materialized Views
The following statement creates a subquery materialized view based on the emp and dept tables located on the remote database:
AS SELECT * FROM emp@remote_db e
     (SELECT * FROM dept@remote_db d
     WHERE e.dept_no = d.dept_no)


[refresh [fast|complete|force]
 [on demand | commit]
 [start with date] [next date]
 [with {primary key|rowid}]]
The refresh option specifies:
  1. The refresh method used by Oracle to refresh data in materialized view
  2. Whether the view is primary key based or row-id based
  3. The time and interval at which the view is to be refreshed
Refresh Method - FAST Clause
The FAST refreshes use the materialized view logs (as seen above) to send the rows that have changed from master tables to the materialized view.
You should create a materialized view log for the master tables if you specify the REFRESH FAST clause.

Materialized view log created.

Materialized views are not eligible for fast refresh if the defined subquery contains an analytic function.
Refresh Method - COMPLETE Clause
The complete refresh re-creates the entire materialized view. If you request a complete refresh, Oracle performs a complete refresh even if a fast refresh is possible.
Refresh Method - FORCE Clause
When you specify a FORCE clause, Oracle will perform a fast refresh if one is possible or a complete refresh otherwise. If you do not specify a refresh method (FAST, COMPLETE, or FORCE), FORCE is the default.
WITH PRIMARY KEY is used to create a primary key materialized view i.e. the materialized view is based on the primary key of the master table instead of ROWID (for ROWID clause). PRIMARY KEY is the default option. To use the PRIMARY KEY clause you should have defined PRIMARY KEY on the master table or else you should use ROWID based materialized views.
Primary key materialized views allow materialized view master tables to be reorganized without affecting the eligibility of the materialized view for fast refresh.
Rowid materialized views should have a single master table and cannot contain any of the following:
  • Distinct or aggregate functions
  • GROUP BY Subqueries , Joins & Set operations

Timing the refresh

The START WITH clause tells the database when to perform the first replication from the master table to the local base table. It should evaluate to a future point in time. The NEXT clause specifies the interval between refreshes
 AS SELECT * FROM emp@remote_db;

Materialized view created.
In the above example, the first copy of the materialized view is made at SYSDATE and the interval at which the refresh has to be performed is every two days.


Materialized Views thus offer us flexibility of basing a view on Primary key or ROWID, specifying refresh methods and specifying time of automatic refreshes.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Difference Among Count(column_name), Count(*) and Count(1)

Below are the differences Among Count(column_name), Count(*) and Count(1).

Count(*) and Count(1) will give you total number of records in the table but Count(column_name) will give you NOT NULL records for the particular column selected .

For Example:-

I have a table called Employee, It has 3 columns and the data below.

Emp_name          Emp_id                Dept_name

Ram                         1                          IT
Shyaam                    2                          Sales
Seeta                        3                          IT
Geeta                       4                     

In the above table structure.

Scenario 1:-

Select count(*)
from employee;

select count(1)
from employee;

Select count(emp_id)
from employee;

results :-  4, 4 , 4

All the above queries will give same result.

Scenario 2:-

Select count(*)
from employee;

select count(1)
from employee;

Select count(dept_name)
from employee;

results :-  4, 4, 3

Count(1) and Count(*) will give you same result i.e. 4 but count(dept_name) will give you 3 as it counts only Not NULL values.

Hope this is clear now.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Creating Backup Table in Oracle

Below is the statement to create backup table :-

Create table xx_tab_backup as
select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all

You can select any number of columns you want to create backup for or * to select all the columns

Friday, 20 April 2018

Query to get Form Function Assigned to the Responsibilities

Below is the query to get all the responsibilities which are associated to the form function :-

SELECT DISTINCT responsibility_id, responsibility_name
    FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl a
   WHERE     a.end_date IS NULL
         AND a.menu_id IN
                (    SELECT menu_id
                       FROM apps.fnd_menu_entries_vl
                 START WITH menu_id IN
                               (SELECT menu_id
                                  FROM apps.fnd_menu_entries_vl
                                 WHERE function_id IN
                                          (SELECT function_id
                                             FROM applsys.fnd_form_functions a
                                            WHERE function_name =
                 CONNECT BY PRIOR menu_id = sub_menu_id)
         AND a.responsibility_id NOT IN
                (SELECT responsibility_id
                   FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl
                  WHERE responsibility_id IN
                           (SELECT responsibility_id
                              FROM applsys.fnd_resp_functions resp
                             WHERE action_id IN
                                      (SELECT function_id
                                         FROM applsys.fnd_form_functions a
                                        WHERE function_name = :pc_function_name)))
         AND a.responsibility_id NOT IN
                (SELECT responsibility_id
                   FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl
                  WHERE responsibility_id IN
                           (SELECT responsibility_id
                              FROM applsys.fnd_resp_functions resp
                             WHERE action_id IN
                                      (    SELECT menu_id
                                             FROM apps.fnd_menu_entries_vl
                                       START WITH menu_id IN
                                                     (SELECT menu_id
                                                        FROM apps.fnd_menu_entries_vl
                                                       WHERE function_id IN
                                                                (SELECT function_id
                                                                   FROM applsys.fnd_form_functions a
                                                                  WHERE function_name =
                                       CONNECT BY PRIOR menu_id = sub_menu_id)))

Monday, 2 April 2018

ORA-04062: signature of package has been changed

To resolve the issue please follow the below steps:-

1.  Recompile package spec/Body of the package in the error
2.  Recompile FMB file from where its getting called
3.  If the issue is still not resolved then recompile the PLLs used or Being called in the process.

This Should resolve the issue.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Tracing the Concurrent program is very good option to Debug any issue while running the concurrent program.

Goal :
To enable the Trace for Concurrent Programs
To Debug the issues in Concurrent Programs or its dependent objects.
Solution :
1. Goto Concurrent Program Definition

Application Developer –> Concurrent –> Program –> check Enable Trace
Query your concurrent program and check the Enable Trace check box at the bottom of the screen.
2. Set the Profile Concurrent: Allow Debugging to YES.
3. Navigate to the Responsibility from where you are running the program.
4. Before Submitting the Concurrent Program in Submit Request screen there will be an option like Debug Options click on that button.
5. In the Debug Options select the SQL Trace and enable Trace with binds.

6. Submit the Concurrent Program and note down the Request id.
7.Trace file name will always be post fixed with oracle_process_id.To get the oracle_process_id use the below SQL
Select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id= &Request_id;
8.And the Trace file path can be derived using the below SQL
Select * from v$parameter where name=’user_dump_dest’;
9. Get the trace file to your local machine.Understanding the raw trace is very complex so use TKPROF utility to make the Trace file readable.
10. Open the Command Prompt and run the below command
TKPROF < Trace File_Name.trc> <Output_File_Name.out> SORT=fchela
11.A new outfile will be generated with the name given in the above command.Analyse the Output file to know the answers for your problem.
Sql queries to find the log files by Request id
select req.oracle_process_id tracename, req.request_id, req.requested_by,usr.user_name, prog.user_concurrent_program_name, req.request_date, req.phase_code, req.status_code, req.logfile_name , req.outfile_name, dest.value as user_dump_dest from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req, gv$parameter dest, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog, apps.fnd_user usr
where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id
and req.requested_by = usr.user_id
–and request_id like ‘6013239’
and ‘user_dump_dest’
and request_id like & Request_id;

Sql query find the log files by username
select req.oracle_process_id tracename, req.request_id, req.requested_by,usr.user_name, prog.user_concurrent_program_name, req.request_date,  req.phase_code, req.status_code, req.logfile_name , req.outfile_name, dest.value as user_dump_dest 
from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req, gv$parameter dest, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog, apps.fnd_user usr
where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id
and req.requested_by = usr.user_id
–and request_id like ‘6013239’
and ‘user_dump_dest’
and usr.user_name like ‘Ramesh%G%’
order by request_date desc
Select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &Request_id;
select * from apps. fnd_concurrent_requests req,gv$parameter dest , apps .fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog where  req. concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id and request_id like ‘601300%’
and ‘user_dump_dest’